Web Shops Are Taking Mobile Gamers by Storm, Apple Want Their Slice

Discover why a staggering 81% of mobile gamers prefer web shops to traditional app stores, and what this means for the future of mobile gaming.

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Mobile Gamers Shift to Web Shops: A New Trend?

  • 81% of mobile gamers are aware of alternative web shops.
  • 77% have made purchases through these platforms.
  • 90% of web shop users are likely to make repeat purchases.

The Rise of Web Shops in Mobile Gaming

In a recent survey conducted by Sanlo, a significant 81% of mobile gamers reported awareness of web shops as alternatives to the traditional Apple and Google app stores. This shift is noteworthy, considering the dominance of conventional app stores in the digital marketplace. Sanlo’s CEO, Olya Caliujnaia, highlighted in an interview with GamesBeat the increasing user preference for web shops, driven by better deals and exclusive offers that these platforms can afford due to the absence of the typical 30% commission fees charged by major app stores.

User Engagement and Developer Opportunities

The survey, which encompassed over 5,000 participants, revealed that 77% have already made purchases through web shops, with a staggering 90% expressing a high likelihood of repeat purchases. This trend underscores the potential for developers to implement strategies like loyalty programs, special offers, and free gifts to boost user retention and engagement.

Caliujnaia discussed the challenges and opportunities associated with web shops. Security concerns and payment issues were noted as significant barriers. However, the benefits, including direct customer relationships and increased revenue potential by circumventing hefty app store fees, present a compelling case for the adoption of web shops.

Furthermore, the survey indicated a growing dissatisfaction among users with the 30% commission fee, with around 45% of those who have made a web shop purchase viewing the fee as unfair. This sentiment could drive more consumers towards web shops as they become more aware of the cost structures involved in app store purchases.

The Future of Web Shops

The data suggests a robust future for web shops in mobile gaming. Developers are urged to leverage in-game promotions and social media to increase traffic to these platforms. Avoiding clickable hyperlinks within games is crucial, as platform fees can be triggered by such actions.

Caliujnaia remains optimistic about the evolving landscape, noting that regulatory pressures, particularly from the European Union, might further diminish the viability of excessive fees charged by dominant app stores. This shift could accelerate the adoption of web shops, reshaping how developers and consumers interact in the digital gaming space.

In conclusion, the movement towards web shops represents a significant shift in mobile gaming, driven by consumer awareness and the tangible benefits these platforms offer both users and developers. As this trend continues, it could redefine the monetization strategies in the gaming industry, leading to more consumer-friendly and developer-empowered economic models.

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