Decimated is a multiplayer third-person survival role-playing game, developed using Unreal Engine 5, and set in a persistent dystopian cyberpunk universe.
All players begin as human citizens and can develop their character into various classes through training and equipment. Law-abiding, trained citizens may join the ranks of cyber police to safeguard the global order.
A vast and hostile apocalyptic environment offers a plethora of challenges for any style of gameplay. Anyone can become a resource collector, a chauffeur, a medic, a mechanic, a smuggler, an outlaw, and much more.
Players can compete against each other, or cooperate to explore, scavenge, trade, conquer territory, build bases, or complete missions for rewards. Aside from other players, enemies also include NPCs such as malfunctioning robots. The enormous map can be traversed by land, sea, and hover vehicles.
To survive, players must find food, water, and in some cases, oxygen. Injured players have to treat their wounds or risk bleeding to death. Treated patients may become addicted to medications, affecting their performance and judgment.
If a player dies, they will respawn with limited items but secure safes and safehouses will be available to store valuables and respawn from.
System: Windows OS: Windows 10 Processor: Amd 5 3600X Graphics: NVidia RTX 2060 Memory: 16GB RAM Storage: 5GB
Audio: English Text: English